John 10 {27} My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me. {28} I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one will snatch them out of my hand. {29} What my Father has given me is greater than all else, and no one can snatch it out of the Father's hand. {30} The Father and I are one."
These words of Jesus bring ultimate truth in a world in which absolutes seem dangerous. Relativism has created an existence in which each is left to construct her or his own truth. There exists an “if it works for you” mentality which diminishes our lives.
Finally, there resounds a word from Jesus which is so clear that we may struggle to understand it. “Nothing,” he says. The Father’s gift is “greater than all else,” he commands. Knowing that nothing has power over Jesus’ gift for us brings amazing perspective for life. No matter what you face, the truth remains that life in Christ Jesus will always rise above anything which would seek to destroy.
You and I do, and will know, loss in life. While suffering may destroy our will and cloud our hope, we finally know that nothing can separate us. These words from the Gospel of John echo the theme of Paul in chapter eight of Romans. “Nothing will separate us,” Paul reminds.
As we continue to grow in this ministry please know that we have many fine plans for the future. (see council minutes)
1. We seek to empower the caring gifts of this congregation in Stephen Ministry.
2. While a fine worship tradition already exists plans are being made for this fall to:
a. bring improvements to the Sanctuary audio visual equipment for all services.
b. bring change in worship times to enhance our education hour for all ages.
c. bring a change of the location of the 11:00 service for continued growth in that worship style
3. Sanctuary access improvements are being considered by a group appointed by the council.
Change always brings challenge and usually renewal. Please plan to attend an informational meeting held on Sunday, June 3 at 12:00 noon or on Thursday, June 7 at 7:00 pm to learn more about these things.
While our congregation remains energetic and driven to fine ministry, we dare not forget who preserves and protects us. Knowing we have such eternal life gives us the ability to live courageous lives in Christ here and now. Such truth empowers us to stand clearly in the light of the Gospel and let it be the single guide for life. What a gift Jesus’ word for this week maintains. “No one will snatch us away!”
Sunday, April 29, 2007
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